When asked about their confidence in their current personal financial situation, intenders rated this aspect at 77, which is similar to the previous result. Their confidence in the economy has risen from 35 last year to 44. When asked to rate these aspects over the short term outlook – the next six months – consumer confidence in their personal finances is at 73, while their confidence in economy increases to 58. With rising levels of confidence, it continues to be important to put your inventory in front of consumers as they shop for their next vehicle.
The impact of external influences on consumer intent to purchase a vehicle has fluctuated slightly. Inventory shortages are slightly less of an issue than they were last summer at 64%, as are gasoline prices at 67%. Inflation has remained about the same at 75%, but surprisingly, intenders are less influenced by vehicle prices, 81%, and high interest rates, 74%. The bottom line is that they want to buy a vehicle, and there aren’t a lot of serious concerns that are going to stand in their way of their intent to follow through with this purchase.
Overall, when facing all economic factors, including inflation, vehicle prices, interest rates, to name a few, the top action taken by the vast majority, (67%), of intenders impacted by at least one of these factors, is to comparison-shop to find the best deal. Because of high vehicle prices in particular, 40% of people spend more time comparison-shopping, which is on par with last summer’s result. Coming in very slightly behind are the number of people who may reduce their budget or delay their vehicle purchase, but that is down by seven points, from 45% last summer to 38%. While car shoppers naturally seek the best deal, they do intend to buy now rather than waiting any longer.