Nom de l’auteur/autrice :wpengine

This is the "wpengine" admin user that our staff uses to gain access to your admin area to provide support and troubleshooting. It can only be accessed by a button in our secure log that auto generates a password and dumps that password after the staff member has logged in. We have taken extreme measures to ensure that our own user is not going to be misused to harm any of our clients sites. Marketplace Traffic & Engagement (week of May 4 2020)

Our latest marketplace report shows continued growth in traffic and engagement! Baris Akyurek, Director of Marketing Intelligence at TRADER, breaks down last week’s findings. “More and more car shoppers are visiting the marketplace, as, last week, we saw a 16.5% year-over-year (YoY) increase in unique visitors, reaching a total of 2.3M.  Visits growth increased Marketplace Traffic & Engagement (week of May 4 2020) Lire la suite » Marketplace Traffic & Engagement (week of April 20 2020)

New updates are in from last week’s autoTRADER.a traffic and engagement! Our Director of Marketing Intelligence, Baris Akyurek, shares the results of the latest report. “Last week, unique visitors increased to 2.2M which represents 3.8% growth YoY. We saw a massive spike in engagement with VDP views of 14.3M, an increase of 6.5% YoY. Shoppers Marketplace Traffic & Engagement (week of April 20 2020) Lire la suite » Traffic & Engagement (week of April 6 2020)

We are continuing to analyze the trends on the marketplace with our Director of Marketing Intelligence, Baris Akyurek. Here are our finding’s from the week of April 6th, 2020. “Last week, the amount of visits and unique visitors to the marketplace remained stable in comparison to the prior week. What’s most interesting to note Traffic & Engagement (week of April 6 2020) Lire la suite » Traffic & Engagement (week of March 30 2020)

Week by week we continue to analyze the trends on the marketplace with our Director of Marketing Intelligence, Baris Akyurek. “In the past week, interestingly, we saw about a 6% increase in visits while unique visitors maintained consistent with the previous week. VDP’s increased by approximately 12%. A very slight decrease in leads indicate Traffic & Engagement (week of March 30 2020) Lire la suite »

Société TRADER renonce à 100 pour cent des frais d'abonnement pour soutenir les commerçants automobiles canadiens

  Les commerçants partenaires canadiens à l’échelle nationale recevront un accès complet au marché et pourront bénéficier de leur référencement sans frais, en vigueur pour les mois d’avril et de mai 2020   MONTRÉAL, QC – 7 avril 2020 – Société TRADER, le chef de file des médias numériques consacrés au marché de consommation

Société TRADER renonce à 100 pour cent des frais d'abonnement pour soutenir les commerçants automobiles canadiens Lire la suite »

Best Practices For Dealers Digital Marketing During COVID-19

Originally published to If the saying ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ is anything to go by, current challenging times definitely call for some innovative steps and out-of-the-box digital marketing strategies. If you’re a car dealer looking for answers on how best to leverage digital platforms during these challenging times that no industry has

Best Practices For Dealers Digital Marketing During COVID-19 Lire la suite »

Résultats du colloque “Femmes et automobile 2018”

“On doit se sentir encouragée, se faire confirmer nos progrès et être incitée à continuer.” — Denise Chudy, Contact at Once! Une seule grande scène, une seule grande pièce, une seule journée. Des femmes de tous les horizons de l’industrie automobile qui pour cette journée oublient le titre du poste qu’elles occupent et ignorent la

Résultats du colloque “Femmes et automobile 2018” Lire la suite »

TRADER Makes "Weighty" Contribution, Takes 2nd Place in Auto-Industry CANstruction Event

Representing Canada in North American competition, TRADER employees collected over 430 lbs of non-perishable food items and built a replica of an iconic team logo – made out of cans! TORONTO, ON - September 1, 2016 - TRADER Corporation employees at the Head Office location took part in a charitable initiative this summer to support

TRADER Makes "Weighty" Contribution, Takes 2nd Place in Auto-Industry CANstruction Event Lire la suite »